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Privacy Policy

Enzo Ventures LLC or Lux Points Life values your time, trust and privacy. Lux Points Life is centered around its’ or Enzo Ventures LLC’s travel experience and attempts to showcase or highlight key destinations and traveling tips while also highlighting the best hotels, airlines and lounges for users. The website also focuses on selling its Lux Points Academy & Lux Points Alerts in which people obtain access to an online travel course system as well as email flight alerts to help them book award travel. Lux Points Life gives precedence to you, and your privacy. The commitment to this motive has enabled Lux Points Life to transparently communicate with you.
In this Privacy Policy, learn how Enzo Ventures LLC manages your Personal Information. If you have any questions pertaining to the contents of this Privacy Policy, you are welcome to get in touch with us through the contact information provided at the end of this section, as well as at the end of this policy.
Lux Points Life is operated under the parent company, that is, Enzo Ventures LLC. This Policy concerns “Enzo Ventures LLC”, and its company, “Lux Points Life”. For the purpose of comprehensibility and precision to be retained in this Policy, “Enzo Ventures LLC” and “Lux Points Life” will be referred to as, simply, “Lux Points Life”, “We”, “Our”, or “Us”.
Contact Information

Enzo Ventures LLC/Lux Points Life


Data Controller

Lux Points Life (“We”, “Our” or “Us”), is the Controller of the Data. This means that we are responsible for processing and protecting your “Personal Information” or “Personal Data.”


In this Privacy Policy, you will find all relevant information pertaining to the collection, processing, and retention of “Personal Data”, regardless of the medium (online, by phone, or e- mail) that you may employ to use our Service.


Lux Points Life operates on the values of transparency and integrity, which translates into an utmost concern for the privacy of your “Personal Information” or “Personal Data”. This Privacy Policy lays down the rules, and principles following which our mechanisms of collecting, using, retaining, and sharing your “Personal Information” or “Personal Data” operate.


This Privacy Policy applies to everyone, contingent upon their visit and usage of Lux Points Life, located at the “Uniform Resource Locator”, hereinafter referred to as the “URL”, on, luxpointslife.com.


This Privacy Policy aims to walk you through the kind of user information that we collect, and for what purpose it is collected, used, and shared. The implementation of the whole procedure involving the personal information of users is based on multiple Data Consumer Privacy Laws of the United States of America, coupled with other privacy laws in whose legal scope, the activities of Lux Points Life are executed. We have structured this Privacy Policy complying with the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Data Subject.


If you have any questions pertaining to the contents of this Privacy Policy, you are welcome to get in touch with us.

Interpretations and Definitions

Lux Points Life provides its Services to a vast range of fashion enthusiasts. We collect your data to enhance our Service in accordance with your interests. Your usage of this Service gives explicit consent to Lux Points Life to collect and use your information per this Privacy Policy. The terms used in this Privacy Policy are explained in this section.


Service in this Policy Paper means, luxpointslife.com, also referred to interchangeably as, “website”, “us” or “we”.

Personal Data

“Personal Data” refers to the information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual. “Personal Data” is mainly comprised of “Full Name”, “Mailing Address”, “E-mail Address”, “Contact Details”, “Date of Birth”, and “Internet Protocol Address” (Hereinafter referred to as IP address). Besides the basic information, it may also include “Billing Information” and “Location Data” to conclude the purchase(s) made on our website.

Non-Personal Data

Non-Personal Data is such data that doesn’t contribute to your identification, but rather helps the Service to recognize the Websites and/or Services you visit and/or subscribe to, it also includes the date and time of access, web browser, and requesting domain. Non-Personal Data doesn’t decipher your specific identity, it is distinctly used for internal system-related and statistical purposes.

Data Subject

Data Subject in this Privacy Policy refers to any individual who visits and/or enjoys the Services of Lux Points Life.


Processing means any such operation or number of operations on your Personal Data affected on the part of Lux Points Life. Processing helps the website to translate Personal Data into useful information for streamlining the Service. Data processing includes collecting, compiling, storing, organizing, and/or sharing your Personal Data.


“Cookies”, also referred to as HTTP Cookie, Web Cookie, Internet Cookie, and Browser Cookie, are small files stored on your device (computer or mobile devices). Cookies are stored within a web browser that the website can retrieve at a later time. A Cookie is designed to remember information about you, including a record of your website visits and activities.

Service Provider/Third-Party Affiliates

In the context of this Privacy Policy, Service Provider, also referred to as Third Party Affiliates, means any individual, entity, legal person, or legal authority, who partakes in the processing of your data on behalf of Lux Points Life. They may be the individuals employed by Lux Points Life, contractors, or subcontractors engaging in the internal mechanism of the company to make Service usable, and feasible for users.

Third-Party Media Service

Those social media services or social network websites that users employ to log in or create an account on Lux Points Life, are referred to as Third-Party Media Services. This privacy policy addresses the following particulars
  • Personal Data: Collection, procedure, and usage
  • How we use your personal data
  • Children’s policy
  • Sharing of personal data: recipients, and rationale behind sharing
  • Personal data: retention and protection
  • California Privacy Rights

Personal Data: Collection, Procedure and Usage

This section expounds upon the Personal Data that we collect from you and explains the procedure and types of Personal Data collected by us.


Lux Points Life collects your data on account of its legitimate interests to do so. We collect your data to respond to your queries, fulfill the requested Service(s), attend to your suggestions, and streamline our Service.


Personal Data as explicated in the above section, collected by Lux Points Life, includes your Full Name, Mailing Address, E-mail Address, Contact Details, and Date of Birth. Address, State, Province, ZIP/Postal code, City, and Billing Information may also be requested once you conclude the registration process. Other information that may be included under Personal Data or Personal Information may be relevant information necessary to fulfill the Service(s) subscribed by the consumer. For executing your purchases on Lux Points Life, we may ask for your geolocation information as well.


Lux Points Life collects Personal Data.For example, you may provide us: with your email address to receive information regarding the newest collections, discount opportunities, newsletters, updates, or any other information about our Service. This communication also includes the transfer of other Personal Data, depending upon the medium with which you approach us, such as email, text, or instant message, or contact us through our websites; and any Personal Data contained in, or included with feedback, comments, photos, videos, or other information you submit via online portals, forms, surveys, or interactive portions of our websites.

Data Collected through Technology: IP Addresses, Cookies, and Web Beacons IP Address or Device Identifier

When you access our Services, we collect your “Internet Protocol Address” (Hereinafter referred to as, “IP address”) that serves as an identifier to your device and/or Service Provider, or it identifies the mobile device, in case you use a mobile device to reach our Service. Lux Points Life may employ these identifiers to gauge the frequency with which you use our Service and/or use the specific sections of our Service. We may make use of this information to mold our Service in line with your area of interest.


Cookies as explicated in the Definitions Section of this Policy are small text files that are stored on a user’s computer and allow websites to remember information about users. We employ Cookies to enhance our website according to the interests of our users.

Lux Points Life uses a couple of Cookies such as “Essential Cookies” also called “Necessary Cookies” and “Analytical Cookies”, which are prerequisites to run the mechanisms of our website.

Necessary Cookies

“Essential Cookies”, also referred to as, “Necessary Cookies”, streamline the functions of our website and web applications and make the website usable by enabling our website to function smoothly with basic functions like session management and single sign-in. Essential Cookies help us to comply with US Data Privacy Laws. Out of a large number of Cookie files, the majority comprise Transient Cookies, also referred to as Session Cookies, that expire the instance you close your browser. Besides these, we also use Cookies that inform us about the user’s interaction with our website and their specific area of interest, these cookies are called “Analytical Cookies”. The information collected through these cookies guides us to enhance and improve our website on the grounds of user interaction with Lux Points Life. Analytical Cookies help us to personalize our Website for you, which saves you time finding out things of interest on our website.

Beacons and other Technologies

Lux Points Life also uses Web Beacons. A Web Beacon is a clear picture file used to keep track of your navigation on our Website, it helps us in identifying the specific areas that interest our visitors, and which products they prioritize over others. Web Beacons help us align our services according to the user’s interaction with our website and how most users are accustomed to using it.

How we use your Personal Data

This Section provides information about how Lux Points Life uses your Personal Data.


We use your Personal Data on account of our legal interests, and legal provisions by law to do so. However, we only use your Personal Information to make our Services available to you, to the fullest.


Following are the measures which we undertake to that end:

  • Attending to your requests.
  • Analysis of the usability and quality of our Services.
  • Management of your online account.
  • Providing the information about the products of Lux Points Life, communicating with you by means of Email Address and/or by any other medium of communication that is provided to us by you.
  • Your data is used for handling your orders, delivering your goods, and processing payments and refunds.
  • Managing payments for the requested Services.
  • Lux Points Life may use your Personal Data for in-house advertising purposes.
  • Fulfilling the requested Service(s) on the part of users.
  • Executing the requested purchase(s) on Lux Points Life’ online store.
  • Informing you about any changes regarding the delivery of availed Service(s).
  • Enforcement of purchase or sale contract between you and Lux Points Life.
  • Employing your preferences to make our Service(s) and product(s) better and enhance your e-commerce experience.

To enforce compliance with the principles laid out in this Privacy Policy and detect any fraud, or abuse on our website.

Children’s Policy

As explained in the above sections, Lux Points Life operates only for fashion purposes. In case you are under the age of 18 and use our Services, it is a prerequisite for you to obtain parental consent prior. You can enjoy our Service, and other social media platforms affiliated with it only based on parental consent.


We collect the sorts of data explicated in the Definitions and subsequent sections of this Policy, which primarily includes your Name, Address, Phone Number, Date of Birth, the Type of Device you’re using to connect to the internet, and the subjects that you’re interested in. The primary purpose of collecting this data is to personalize your experience, fulfill the Service(s) you request, and reply to your queries.


Lux Points Life makes sure that the information that is collected from underage individuals is stored with utmost safety and security. We inform those users of our Service who are under the age of 18, to never let anyone be aware of your credentials and other sensitive data that you have provided to Lux Points Life.

Sharing of Personal Data: Recipients, and Rationale Behind Sharing

According to the legitimate interests expressed in this Privacy Policy, following which, your Personal Data is collected, used, and stored – this section builds up the rationale behind sharing your Personal Information, and informs regarding the recipients. Your Personal Data collected by Lux Points Life may be transferred/disclosed to the recipients discussed further.
Those Service Providers, i.e., who engage in the preparation of our platforms, databases, and relevant tools for our products and Services that include, but are not strictly limited to the website, the sale of goods, the dispatch of newsletters, and informative emails. These Service Providers also perform marketing campaigns. Lux Points Life, and any Third-Party Associates also process your Personal Data while you are conducting any online purchases on our online store.

If you are a California resident, California law may provide you with additional rights regarding our use of your personal information. California’s “Shine the Light” law (Civil Code Section §1798.83) permits users of our App that are California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, email sam@luxpointslife.com to opt out of any sort of tracking regarding CA & EU laws.

Pertaining to the use of Google Analytics, Tags, and Cookies, we strive with utmost effort to secure your data personally and systematically. Our assurance of your data safety derives its substance from the EU-US Privacy Shield, which translates into the effective protection of your data.


Refer to the EU-US Privacy Shield Law:
https://www.privacyshield.gov/servlet/servlet.FileDow nload?file=015t00000004qAg
Complying with the legal obligation of US Data Privacy Laws, Lux Points Life is obliged to transfer your data to the competent in case of any legal dispute.


We are also legally obliged to disclose or forward such data to law enforcement authorities, within the scope of criminal investigations, or to the data protection supervisory authorities. This disclosure/sharing of your personal information earns its legality from multiple US Data Privacy Laws, like HIPAA, FCRA, FERPA, GLBA, ECPA, COPPA, and VPPA.


All our Third-Party Service Providers and other entities in the group are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your Personal Data in line with our policies. We do not allow our Third-Party Service Providers to use your Personal Data, for any purpose different from the purpose of serving you. We only permit them to process your Personal Data for specified purposes, and as per instructions provided to them by Lux Points Life.


We may permit certain trusted Third Parties to track usage, and analyze data, such as the source address from which a page request is coming from, your IP Address or Domain Name, the date and time of the page request, and the referring website (if any), and other parameters in the URL. This is collected to better understand the user’s usage of the website, and enhance the performance of Services to maintain and operate the site, and certain features on the site. We may use Third Parties to host the site, operate various features available on the site, send emails, analyze data, and provide search results and links. Also, we may transfer Personally Identifiable Information as an asset, in connection with a proposed or actual merger or sale (including any transfers made as part of an insolvency or bankruptcy proceeding) involving all or part of our business, or as part of a corporate reorganization, stock sale, or other change in control.


At any instance of structural changes in the internal mechanisms: merger, sale, or bankruptcy, of the Service, Lux Points Life reserves the right to transfer Personal Data as an asset in connection with a proposed or actual merger, sale, or any other significant change.

Personal Data: Retention and Protection

Retention of your Personal Data depends upon the various purposes due to which it is stored. Lux Points Life stores your data for a limited period of time, during which your activities are observed on our website. Your account on our website legally binds us to store your Personal Data, which is a prerequisite for the internal mechanisms of our Service, such as internal reporting; sending you the requested feedback. The whole course of time during which your Personal Data is retained on the databases of Lux Points Life is also subject to change.
Operating on principles and guidelines of US Data Privacy Laws, and GDPR, pertaining to the freedoms of individuals and the protection of their data, Lux Points Life always tries to minimize the time required by any company to store your information. This translates into efforts to hold information that is a particular prerequisite for you to enjoy our Services, until and unless your activities at Lux Points Life cease to happen. In case you delete your account on our Website, we subsequently undertake measures to remove the contents of your Personal Data collected during the course of your active time on our Service.
We perpetually strive to minimize collected Personal Data by reducing the amount of information stored in our databases, continuously archiving our emails, and deleting any particular information that no longer serves a purpose to streamline the extension of our Service to you.
Lux Points Life commits itself to the utmost protection of the Personal Information of our users. Any type of Personal Information that is provided by the client, or collected by us through any of the methods mentioned in the “Personal Data: Collection, Procedure and Usage” Section, is maintained in high-security alert servers and internal systems. Our high-alert security systems in terms of data protection translate into severe measures to deny any unauthorized access to users’ information. As well as the alteration, disclosure, or destruction of Personal Data. We have left no stone unturned in maneuvers to ensure the correct use of information. On that ground, we have high-profile physical, electronic, and technical mechanisms to shield your information retained in our databases. It is our conviction that with the help of technical security, we will shield your data on every instance.
Lux Points Life is not accountable/liable on account of submission of other Personal Information that a user submits in any comment section, or any other area of the website that is easily accessible to the public.

California Privacy Rights

As explicated in the previous section of this Privacy Policy, Lux Points Life collects, retains, and protects the Personal Information of users. Under California Law, customers of Lux Points Life residing in the State of California, United States, will be entertained on the requests on the part of the user about certain information pertaining to our disclosure of Personal Information during the prior calendar year to Third Parties for their direct marketing purposes. Lux Points Life does not disclose Personal Information to unaffiliated Third Parties for these purposes.

Changes and Updates to this Privacy Policy

A Privacy Policy is a dynamic document that is modified with the changes in law, the company’s ownership, and several other factors that contribute to changes in the structure of our Service. Therefore, we reserve the right to amend the Policy at our discretion at any time & the most up to date version will be found here. By using our website you agree to this version & any future version of the privacy policy.
Contact Information

Enzo Ventures LLC/Lux Points Life


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